Robotics Guide


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The field of robotics is growing at an exponential rate. The number of new players entering the market and the potential applications of robotics are increasing every day. In this guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about robotics as a fast-growing industry, including different subfields, growth predictions and an expansive list of examples for almost any application you can think of. We continue to see more and more articles about robotics as a growing industry and with good reason. Robotics touches so many different industries – from healthcare and logistics to agriculture and even consumer products. This means that there are countless opportunities for innovation in the field of robotics. The world of robotics is growing at a rapid pace. With the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning, robots can now perform tasks with more accuracy and efficiency than ever before. Even though robotics continues to be an emerging industry, developers are finding new ways to implement these technologies in different fields ranging from healthcare to education, manufacturing, and even the home. In this section, you will learn everything you need to know about robotics and its potential applications in everyday life. Read on to discover everything from the history of robotics to artificial intelligence and its role in today’s robotic technologies.

What is Robotics?

Robotics is the design and production of an artificial system that uses programmed instructions to execute specific tasks. Robotics can be applied in many industries including manufacturing, healthcare, and even the home. The term robotics was first introduced in the 1940s when a conference was hosted by the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) and American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). During this conference, the term robotics was used to describe “the science and engineering of automatic machines, or artificial automata, that emulate human activity.”

The History of Robotics

Since the 1940s, robotics has come a long way. The first robots were built to perform simple tasks like picking up objects, moving them to another location, and stacking them on top of one another. Robotics technology has improved over time, and engineers have created robots that are capable of performing complex tasks with precision and accuracy. Some of these tasks include picking up food items, changing bed sheets, vacuuming floors, and even driving cars. Although robotics has been around for nearly a century, they have recently gained more attention due to new innovations in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Robotics engineers have created new types of robots that are capable of learning, communicating, and interacting with humans.

Types of Robotics

There are several different types of robotics, each designed for a specific purpose. These include:
  • Agricultural Robotics – Agricultural robots are programmed to perform tasks such as planting seeds, watering plants, harvesting crops, and even herding livestock. Agricultural robots are used in farming to reduce human error and increase crop yield.
  • Automotive Robotics – This type of robotics is used to design, engineer, and manufacture car parts. Automotive robots are designed to work with human workers to assemble vehicles efficiently and produce high-quality parts.
  • Biomedical Robotics – This type of robotics is used to create medical devices that assist in diagnosing and treating diseases, managing medical records, and performing surgery.
  • Home Robotics – These robots are designed to assist people with daily tasks in the home. They are helpful for people who are disabled or have difficulty performing certain tasks.
Robotics can also be differentiated based on their programming and functionality. Examples include:
  • Mobile Robotics – Mobile robotics are designed to move and navigate in all directions. Mobile robots can be any size, be connected to sensors, and be controlled remotely.
  • Nondestructive Testing Robotics – These robots are used to test the integrity of equipment like aircraft, bridges, and large structures. They are designed to conduct a non-destructive test without damaging the equipment.
  • Sensing Robotics – Sensing robots are used to collect data from the environment, process it, and send it back to a centralized computer.

Benefits of Robotics in Daily Life

As robotics continues to grow, there are more and more applications for this technology in our daily lives. Some of the top benefits of robotics include:
  • Improved accuracy – Robots can be programmed to complete tasks with extreme accuracy. This makes them ideal for use in manufacturing and quality assurance.
  • Increased efficiency – Robots have been designed to complete tasks with minimal human interference. This makes them ideal for efficiently completing repetitive tasks.
  • Safer working conditions – With the introduction of collaborative robots, many manufacturing workforces are experiencing safer working conditions. Collaborative robots are designed to work alongside human workers without putting them in harm’s way.
  • Less stressful workflows – Due to robotics being integrated into many different industries, workflows are more efficient, and tasks are completed with more accuracy. This makes it easier to manage a team and organize workflow.
  • Easier data management – As more industries begin to use robotics, data management will become easier. This is due to robotics being programmed to send data directly to the cloud.

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the concept of creating machines that are capable of human-like tasks. Robotics engineers use AI to program robots to complete specific tasks. The difference between AI and robotics is that robotics involves programming machines to complete specific tasks, while AI is designing a machine that is capable of creating new things by itself. Computer engineers often use machine learning algorithms to create AI-based robots. These algorithms are designed to identify patterns in data and make predictions based on those patterns. They can even be used to create new and improved versions of themselves.


Robotics is the design and production of an artificial system that uses programmed instructions to execute specific tasks. It can be applied in many industries including manufacturing, healthcare, and even the home. Now, robotics engineers have created new technologies that are capable of performing complex tasks with precision and accuracy. Robotics has gained more attention due to new innovations in artificial intelligence and machine learning. The word robotics comes from the Greek word “robotes” which means “slave.” It was first used by playwright and social satirist Karel Capek in his 1920 play, “Rossum’s Universal Robots.” In that work, he used the term to describe artificial humanlike beings called robots, who were created as a slave class to serve mankind. In that way, the etymology of the word is a good indication of where robotics is going. However, today we have completely different understanding of what robots are and what they can do. These devices have developed into machines capable of performing complex tasks in many industries. Let’s take a look at how it all started and how robotics has evolved over time.

1930-1940: The dawn of robotics

The first ever robot was a mechanical contraption built by American engineer and inventor George Devol in 1930. It could lift weights and move around in a pre-determined area, making it the world’s first automated machine. Devol was also the first person to coin the term “robotics,” which he derived from the Czech word robota, meaning “forced labor.” Robotics researchers and engineers were working in laboratories, trying to figure out how to make machines to perform tasks that were too dangerous or difficult for humans. But those first robots were really just automatons. They didn’t have any cognitive abilities. Early on, researchers started working on artificial intelligence as a way to make robots more useful.

1956: Robotics is born

Robotics got its first big push with the advent of NASA’s Space Race with the Soviet Union. The first astronauts didn’t have much to do once they got into space since the technology of the day couldn’t do much. So engineers designed “spaceships” that were “automated” with robots. Things like the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo space capsules were used for a variety of missions, including orbital and lunar flights. The robotic arms on the Space Shuttle also deserve to be mentioned. A breakthrough in robotics came in 1956 when a computer scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Nathaniel Rochester, worked with engineers to create a computer system that could translate between languages. In short, it was the first computerized translation system, or what would be known today as an artificial intelligence program.

1985: Robotics takes off

Artificial intelligence continued to evolve with the development of expert systems and the rise of computers that could handle natural language. The Internet also became a viable tool for researchers and developers who used it to exchange ideas, build on each other’s research, and share information. In 1985, the Robotics Society of America was formed. This was a significant event in the field of robotics because it brought together individuals who had previously been working in isolation. It helped to advance the development of new ideas and designs for robots, as well as to promote the use of robots in a variety of fields. It was also the year that NASA built its first humanoid robot, Robonaut. This robot was designed to work in extreme space environments, such as the International Space Station. Although Robonaut’s design was based on human physiology, it didn’t have true artificial intelligence.

2000: Rise of the humanoid robot

Robots continued to evolve in the 21st century, with technology that allowed robots to perform more advanced tasks. Robots are programmed to perform specific tasks, but they aren’t “self-aware” the way humans are. It took the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI) to make a robot that was truly intelligent, like a human. The first AGI robot was SHRIMP, created by researchers at the University of Southern California. This robot was designed to help disabled individuals, but it wasn’t intended to be used in a commercial setting. A team at the University of Texas was working on a similar project, called Leonardo. The research and development of these two robots led to the creation of the first truly intelligent, humanoid robots.

2005: Collaborative robotics

As the robotics industry grew, it became more and more important to make changes in the design of robots to make them more user-friendly. These machines had to be designed in a way that made it easy for people to work with them. Engineers went back to basics and designed new robots based on the human form. Robots have always been designed for specific tasks, such as manufacturing, assembly, welding, and so on. But now, engineers have designed collaborative robots. These are machines that can be used in a variety of different environments. They can be used by people in many different ways, depending on the specific needs of the situation.

2010: Rise of autonomous robotics

One of the most significant changes in robotics came with the emergence of autonomous robots. The first robots were completely controlled by humans, but as the technology evolved and became more sophisticated, developers created robots that were able to think for themselves and make decisions. This was a significant milestone for robotics, since it paved the way for these machines to perform complex tasks that are too challenging for human operators. Automated robots are programmed to follow a set pattern. However, once robots developed the ability to adapt and change their programming, they could solve problems on their own, including changing conditions in the field. This is known as machine learning and is a key component of artificial intelligence. Automated robots are used to perform a wide range of tasks, including manufacturing, logistics, security, and even healthcare. They are also responsible for millions of jobs.

2015: Robotics in business

Humanoid robots were developed primarily for research, but they were also used in manufacturing and healthcare. In addition, engineers developed robots that could perform specific tasks and collaborate with humans. The next step was to create robots capable of working in a wide range of environments. Automated robots are used in a variety of situations and industries, from manufacturing to healthcare. However, it’s collaborative robotics that are revolutionizing business. Automated robots excel in situations where the environment is predictable and consistent. But when it comes to dealing with unplanned events and sudden changes, collaborative robots are better suited to handle the situation. Collaborative robots are designed to work with people on a variety of tasks, including logistics, distribution, and supply chain management. Automated robots can do some of these things, but the human element is often missing, which makes the process less efficient. In contrast, collaborative robots are designed to work with people, which is why they are called “collaborative’’ robots.

2016 – Present: Driving forces for the future

Artificial intelligence is one of the biggest driving forces in robotics. As AI capabilities continue to grow, researchers are continuing to push the boundaries of what these machines are capable of. Several major breakthroughs in AI in the past few years have pushed the boundaries of what these machines are capable of. Such breakthroughs include AlphaGo, an AI system developed by Google that is capable of playing the Chinese strategy game called Go, and the creation of self-learning systems such as Watsons, which can understand human language and generate responses. These advancements in robotics technology have opened the door for robots to perform a wide variety of tasks, including complex medical procedures, driving on highways and city streets, and a variety of other activities once thought to be too challenging for machines. Today, the world of manufacturing is undergoing a digital transformation that is changing how businesses operate. In the new digital economy, manufacturers need to adopt new technologies and operational models to remain competitive and meet customer demand. In this section, we explore the current state of robotics factory automation and its impact on the industry going forward. Keep reading to find out more.

What is Robotics Factory Automation?

Robotics Factory Automation is the use of robots to automate all or parts of the manufacturing process, from raw materials to the delivery of the finished goods. Robots are controlled by computer programs that manage the production process and are designed to work reliably 24/7, which means the process is highly predictable. And since robots do not get tired or get bored, they can produce parts 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Robots are usually programmed for one specific task, but automation systems have evolved to combine different types of machinery to produce a variety of different parts. This is called hybrid automation, and it’s a growing trend.

How does factory automation differ from robotics?

The main difference between factory automation and robotics is who is in control. In robotics, the robot has autonomy, while in automation, the machine is controlled by a computerized system. Both automation and robotics are used to create more efficient and predictable processes in the manufacturing industry. Typically, automation systems rely on sensors to detect the presence (or absence) of materials, equipment, and even people in a process. The sensors send information to a computer system, which uses it to execute a sequence of programmed instructions. The sensors can also be used to detect abnormal conditions, such as a machine breakdown, and send a signal to an alarm system. In some cases, automation systems also include actuators, which are devices that can perform actions like turning on a machine, opening or closing a valve, or moving an object.

Why is Robotics Factory Automation Important?

There are many reasons why robotics factory automation is critical to the industry.
  • Robotics allow manufacturers to produce products with higher precision, better quality, and fewer defects. This will help companies stay competitive and reduce their costs.
  • Many industries face a shortage of skilled labor, and investing in robotics may be necessary to stay in business.
  • Investing in robotics can help companies respond to rising customer demand. Whether it’s eCommerce or B2B, more customers want shorter lead times and quicker delivery times, while also expecting higher quality.
  • The shift towards more automation can help the industry comply with the growing demand for digital transformation, as well as the new digital economy.

How robotics and automation work together in the factory floor?

Now that we know the difference between factory automation and robotics, let’s look at how robotics and automation work together on the factory floor. Typically, there are three approaches to implementing automation. Hybrid Automation, Dumb Automation, and Intelligent Automation.
  • Hybrid Automation – Hybrid automation is a combination of automation with robotics. These machines use computer-controlled motors, sensors, and computers for monitoring and control their operations.
  • Dumb Automation – While the name might sound a bit harsh, in this approach, automation is implemented without any robotics. The control unit is used to generate instructions and send them to a motion control unit, which then moves the machines.
  • Intelligent Automation – Finally, in this approach, we use both automation and robotics, with industrial robots doing the heavy lifting and the computers controlling them. This is the most common approach.

Pros of Robotics Factory Automation

  • Increased Efficiency – Automated systems run more efficiently than manual processes, so they can boost productivity and increase throughput.
  • More Predictable and Consistent Results – Robotic processes are more predictable and consistent than manual processes, which means manufacturers have better quality control and fewer defects.
  • Higher Quality – Automated processes result in higher quality products, which means customers are happier and more likely to buy from you again.
  • Cost Savings – In the long run, automated processes can save money, especially when compared to manual processes.
  • Improved Safety – Robotics and automation reduce the risk of workers getting injured, which is critical in industries with dangerous tasks.
  • Better Use of Resources – Technology can be used to monitor real-time stock levels and track materials as they move through the supply chain. This can help companies make better use of their resources.

Cons of Robotics Factory Automation

  • Greater upfront investment – Automation requires a significant upfront investment, which means it may not be suitable for smaller businesses.
  • Changes in Production Requirements – A business may need to change its production requirements at short notice, which may not be possible if everything is automated.
  • Disruption in Operations – If the control system fails, which is the central hub for everything, it will disrupt operations.
  • Loss of Control – At times, businesses may lose control over the production process because they have outsourced part of it to a supplier.


Robotics and automation are critical to the future of manufacturing and the industry. However, it is important to understand the difference between the two. Generally, automation is the execution of a process that does not require human intervention, while robotics is the use of machines specifically designed for manufacturing. Automation and robotics are often used together, and they can boost efficiency, increase throughput, boost quality, and reduce costs. However, they can also come with certain risks and challenges that businesses need to be aware of. Robotic process automation (RPA) is increasingly being used to streamline processes and cut operating costs. It’s no longer just used in manufacturing but in every type of company, including services businesses. RPA is also a great way for companies to prepare for the impact of Artificial Intelligence and Automation. RPA can help tackle your company’s manual and repetitive tasks so you can focus on more value-added activities. But what exactly is RPA, how does it work, and how can you implement it in your business? Keep reading to learn more about this exciting technology and the steps you should take to get started with RPA.

What is Robotic Process Automation?

RPA is software that automates business processes by mimicking the way humans perform tasks. Software robots are programmed to perform specific tasks, and then they autonomously interact with systems or other software to complete their mission. These software robots can process information and make decisions just like humans do. Robotic process automation can be applied to just about any type of business process, whether it’s a web-based ordering process, a payment processing workflow, or something else entirely. RPA helps improve operational efficiency and reduce labor costs. It can also help reduce errors by removing human error as a factor. RPA can take data and information, process it, and then make decisions based on that data. It mimics the actions of a person at the click of a button. The automation is done through software programming, which allows for it to be applied to a wide range of business processes.

How Does RPA Work?

RPA works by reading your business’s data, writing it to a flow, and then executing the flow. Data is grabbed from one or more systems and then copied to another system (or the same system) where it’s read and used for another process. This data can be anything from purchase orders to customer information to employee records. RPA works best when it’s given very specific instructions. The software robots are programmed to receive data and then take a specific action. You can use RPA in three primary ways:
  • Automate manual tasks — You can use RPA to automate manual tasks in your business, either through a computer or through a mobile device. You can program software robots to receive data, process it, and then take an action such as creating a purchase order or scheduling a meeting.
  • Pull data from systems — You can use RPA to pull data from a system (such as accounting software) and then copy that data to another system. This can be useful for creating reports and analytics or for pulling customer information.
  • Create a back-end process — You can use RPA to create a back-end process, which is a process that happens invisibly to the user. For example, you may want to create a back-end process for sending emails to customers.

Ways RPA Helps Streamline Business Processes

RPA helps streamline business processes in a few different ways. First, it can eliminate manual tasks. By implementing RPA, you can essentially eliminate the need for humans to complete certain tasks. Automated processes also create consistency. Because you are using software to complete the same actions each time, there will be consistency in the way tasks are completed. This consistency can help cut down on errors that happen from human error. One study found that RPA can reduce errors by up to 90%. And lastly, RPA helps create velocity in your business. By creating a process that is automated and runs on its own, you are increasing the velocity at which certain processes happen.


RPA has the potential to completely transform business processes. It can help eliminate errors and make tasks more consistent. It also allows businesses to complete tasks faster by using computer automation. However, businesses should not implement RPA as a knee-jerk reaction to digital transformation. Instead, they should be strategic about which processes they want to automate and how they want to use RPA to do it. Robots are cool. They can be found in almost every field, from factories to hospitals, hotels and even schools. As you may know, robots are able to help people with their daily tasks by simplifying them and reducing the likelihood of human error. This section will give you a detailed guide on how to start programming a robot from scratch. You will learn how these machines work and what exactly is required to write code for one. Keep reading!

What Does it Take to Program a Robot?

There are two ways to program a robot: manually and autonomously. Manual programming is where, as the name suggests, the robot is controlled manually. This is often the most cost-effective way of programming a robot. But this way of programming a robot has a few disadvantages. For example, if the environment changes, you’ll have to change the program manually. Autonomous programming is where the robot functions without any human intervention. This is achieved by using computer vision, sensors, and artificial intelligence on a computer. So, this way of programming a robot is more expensive and time-consuming.

Step 1: Learn the Basics of Computer Science

Before diving into robotics, you need to understand the basics of computer science. You need to understand how computers work, how they process data and what exactly is a program. There are plenty of textbooks and online courses that can help you learn the basics of computer science. We recommend that you start with the very basics and work your way up from there. Learning the basics of computer science will help you to understand how computers work and how they process data. And this knowledge is crucial for programming robots because robots are, after all, computers.

Step 2: Learn Robotics-specific Programming Languages

Once you’ve learned the basics of computer science, you can start learning robotics-specific programming languages. You can also learn these languages if you know nothing about computer science. Robotics-specific programming languages are designed to simplify the process of programming robots. They are specifically designed to be used in robotics. They use specific terminologies, structures, and syntaxes that are best suited for programming robots. You can learn popular robotics-specific programming languages like ROS and Octopi. These programming languages are free and open source. You can understand their source code if you want to add features to them.

Step 3: Get to Know the Robot’s Architecture and Firmware

Before writing code for a robot, you must understand its architecture and firmware. You must know what hardware the robot has and how it is connected. You must also know about the robot’s operating system if it has one. You must also know about the languages used for the robot’s firmware. This is crucial because you can’t write code for a robot until you know its architecture and firmware. Robots come with different architectures and firmware. You must know which programming language is best suited for the robot you’re using.

Step 4: Test Your Code Before Going Live

Before going live, you must test your code. You must test your code on a similar robot that has the same architecture and firmware as the one being used. You must also make sure that you’re using the right programming language. You must also make sure your code works correctly before going live. You must make sure that your code works correctly because robots are highly sensitive machines. If a single command in your code doesn’t work, the rest of the code can fail too. This can cause some serious damage, so you must test your code before going live. Make sure your code works correctly before going live. This is crucial because you don’t want to be responsible for damaging valuable equipment.


Robotics is a great field to work in. It is constantly evolving with new ideas and technologies, and it offers you an opportunity to work with some cool machines. Robots are machines that are programmed to do tasks that are often difficult or impossible for humans to do. Now, these machines can be found in almost every field, from factories to hospitals, hotels and even schools. If you’re interested in learning how to program robots, you need to understand the basics of computer science. You need to understand how computers work, how they process data and what exactly is a program. Then, you need to learn robotics-specific programming languages. You need to know about the robot’s architecture and firmware. Finally, you need to test your code before going live. Are you interested in building your own robot? Maybe you’ve always dreamed of creating a mechanical creature from spare parts or maybe you’re just curious about what it would take to build one. Whether you’re new to the world of robotics or an experienced user, there are plenty of different ways to build a robot. Read on for more information about constructing your own robot and the types of robots that are out there. A robot is a machine that can carry out tasks on its own. They can be fairly simple, like a vacuum cleaner that automatically returns to its home base when it has completed its cleaning cycle, or they can be extremely complex, such as humanoid machines with artificial intelligence that allow them to respond to human commands and even speak.

Understanding Robots

First, let’s review the basics of what a robot is and how it works. A robot is a device that can carry out tasks on its own. While it might sound like the stuff of science fiction, robots are already a part of our everyday lives. Robots are used in manufacturing, construction, and other industries to increase productivity and improve efficiency. They can be controlled remotely or programmed to follow a set sequence of actions. The first robots were inspired by the ancient myth of the golem, a human-like being created out of inanimate matter. Today’s robots are more advanced but have the same core functionality. To build a robot, you need a chassis (the body of the machine), a power source, control circuitry, and sensors attached to the chassis that allow the machine to navigate around its environment.

Types of Robots

Let’s take a closer look at the different types of robots. A general purpose robot can carry out a wide variety of tasks, while a special purpose robot is designed to carry out one specific task or a limited set of tasks. There are many different types of robots, each designed to suit different environments and objectives. Some are designed for underwater exploration, while others are used in space exploration or in extreme weather conditions.
  • Industrial robot: These are the robots that we see in factories and manufacturing plants. They are programmed to carry out specific tasks and their heavy-duty construction and high torque capacities make them well-suited for strenuous industrial processes.
  • Packaging robot: These are ideal for use in warehouses and retail operations. They typically have a cart or forklift-like design and can be programmed to transport goods.
  • Construction robot: These are typically smaller construction machines used for heavy lifting and excavating.
  • Service robot: Service robots are designed to assist humans in a variety of environments. They can be used in medical facilities, like the automated pharmacy robots used in hospitals, and in senior living facilities.
  • Special purpose robots: Some robots are designed for specific purposes, like space exploration and underwater exploration. NASA and other space agencies have used robots to explore the surface of other planets.
  • Humanoid robot: These are designed to resemble human anatomy. Engineers are currently working on a humanoid robot that can think, reason, and make decisions like a human being.

Deciding What Type of Robot to Build

Before you get started building your robot, you will need to decide which type of robot you want to build. This will depend on several different factors, such as your budget, the type of functionality you want, and the type of environment in which you plan to use the robot. Once you have decided on a type of robot, you can begin to explore the different robotic platforms available. A robotic platform is a base that other robotic systems can be built on. There are many different types of robotic platforms out there, with each designed to carry out a specific set of functions. You can choose a robotic platform based on your budget and the functions that you want your robot to carry out.

Robotic Platforms

Before you get started building your robot, you will need to decide which type of robotic platform you want to use. There are several different robotic platforms available, each designed to carry out a specific set of functions. You can choose a robotic platform based on your budget and the functions that you want your robot to carry out.
  • Arduino-based robots: Arduino is an open-source computer board that is used to power electronics projects. Arduino boards are typically low-cost and can be programmed to carry out a variety of different functions.
  • Raspberry Pi robots: Raspberry Pi is a mini computer that is used to power projects like robots. It can also be used to build a home computer system.
  • Computer-based robots: Computer-based robots are built on a computer platform and can respond to input from a user via a keyboard, mouse, or touchscreen. They are often controlled by Artificial Intelligence.
  • Hybrid robots: Hybrid robots are robotic platforms that are a combination of two or more of the above robotic platforms.

Parts for a Robot

To build a robot, you will need to source a chassis, a power source, control circuitry, and the right sensors. The first thing you will need is a chassis. The chassis is the body of the robot and it will often be built out of metal, plastic, or wood. You will also need a power source. You can either use batteries or a power cord to supply power to your robot. You can also use solar power to avoid having to change batteries. Control circuitry is used to control the flow of power from the power source to the sensors and other components of the robot. Sensors are used to allow the robot to navigate and interact with the world around it.


Building a robot is an exciting and rewarding experience. Robots have different functions and can have a wide range of uses. They can be used in industries such as manufacturing, construction, and service industries, and can be programmed to execute complicated tasks. There are many different types of robots available, including general purpose and special purpose robots. You will need to source a chassis, a power source, control circuitry, and the right sensors to build your robot. You may not think of robotics as being a form of engineering, but it most certainly is. Engineers are problem solvers who design solutions to problems that help people or businesses. Robotics and mechanical engineering work together to build robots with human-like intelligence and the ability to interact with their environment in a meaningful way. By combining the principles of mechanics and computer science, engineers can create artificial intelligence that mimics human behavior. Let’s take a closer look at what these two disciplines involve and how they work together to build advanced technology.

What is Robotic Engineering?

Robotic engineering is the design of robots that are capable of performing tasks that would normally be done by humans. It is a broad subject that covers many disciplines, including mechanics, computer science, artificial intelligence and more. Some robots are designed for commercial use, while others are used in healthcare. There are even robots designed to work in space. Robotic engineering is a relatively new field. The first industrial robot was invented in 1954, followed by the first autonomous robot in 1961. Since then, robotics engineering has become increasingly important in many fields. Robots are used in engineering and manufacturing, healthcare, construction, space exploration, and even in our daily lives.

What is mechanical engineering?

Mechanical engineering is a field that works with the principles of physics to turn an idea into a physical product. Mechanical engineers design tools, machines, robots, electronics and more. They might design a new car, build machines for a factory or design robots for a mining operation. Their work is driven by their curiosity, and they enjoy problem-solving. Mechanical engineering is also known as materials engineering, as it involves the selection of materials and their properties to design a product. Mechanical engineers use computer-aided design (CAD) software to create 3-D models of their ideas. These models are then used to create physical prototypes, which they can test in the real world.

How do robotics and mechanical engineering work together?

Mechanical engineers are responsible for designing the physical parts of robots. Their challenge is to create a structure that is light enough to move around but robust enough to withstand the stresses of everyday use. The design process starts with the selection of the best materials for the job. Mechanical engineers will then create computer models based on their own design, CAD software or a combination of the two. Mechanical engineers work closely with other engineers and scientists, especially those with expertise in computer science and artificial intelligence. Robots are controlled by computer programming, so software engineers need to create programs that enable robots to function in the real world. These programs will control the robots’ sensors, which are designed to receive information from the environment. Robots need sensors to analyze their surroundings and respond to their environment in a meaningful way. Mechanical engineers need to know how robots work and what they do so they can create the right design to support their functionality.

Types of Robots

Assembly Robots – Assembly robots are designed to handle repetitive tasks, such as simple product assembly or spot welding. Assembly robots are designed to work in a controlled environment, and most have sensors to detect nearby humans or obstacles.
  • Autonomous Robots – Autonomous robots are designed to function independently. They can navigate their surroundings, make decisions and even identify problems and attempt to solve them.
  • Healthcare Robots – Healthcare robots are designed to help with diagnosis and treatment. Robots are used in healthcare to assist surgeons, dispense drugs or transport patients.
  • Space Robots – Robots are used in space exploration to perform various tasks, such as exploring other planets, repairing satellites or cleaning up debris in space.


Any robotic engineer will tell you that this is a challenging and exciting field. New robots are constantly being developed and improved, meaning there is always something new to learn. If you enjoy problem-solving, enjoy working with computers and have an interest in science, then you should consider a career in robotic engineering. Today, robotic technology is used in almost every industry and manufacturing plant. From car making to food processing, robots are ubiquitous. But what if your robot needs a part to function properly? What do you do if the part is unique and you can’t find it anywhere? Thankfully, many companies specialize in supplying robotic parts for machines – and they can help keep your robot running optimally. If you are looking for robotic parts to complete an existing machine or to have on hand as a preventive measure, read on to learn more.

Why Do You Need Robotic Parts?

Before you start looking for robotic parts, you need to know why you need them. This will help you to narrow down your search and make sure that you’re getting the right parts for your machine. Some common reasons why you might need parts include:
  • A broken or defective part that needs to be replaced, such as a motor or gearbox
  • Missing parts on a machine, such as sensors or a sensor interface
  • Damaged parts that need to be repaired and/or replaced
  • Replacement of worn parts that need to be restored to their original condition

Types of robotic parts

There are different types of robotic parts, depending on the type of machine that you are using. Typically, you can find parts for the following machines:
  • SCARA robots – SCARA robots are used for picking and placing items. They are very popular in the automotive sector and other industries where there is a lot of lifting involved. There are many different parts that you can find for SCARA robots, including end effectors, motors, and controllers.
  • Cartesian robots – Cartesian robots are very common in the manufacturing and production industries. These typically consist of three axes that move the robot back and forth and side to side. Cartesian robots are used to pick and place items, as well as perform other manufacturing functions like spraying paint or applying glue.
  • Parallel robots – Parallel robots are very similar to cartesian robots, with the major difference being that parallel robots move in a straight line. They are often used in the food and beverage industries, as well as in the electronics and semiconductor sectors.

How to find parts for your robotic machine

If you know the type of robot you have, and you know what part you need, you will still need to figure out how to find this part. If you visit your local supplier, you may or may not find what you need, or you may even find something that is similar but not exactly what you need. So how do you know where to start when you need to find robotic parts? Here are some tips:
  • Check with your manufacturer – If you bought your machine from a manufacturer, they may have a contact for the company that supplied the parts for your machine. This can be a great starting point for finding the parts that you need.
  • Search online – Several online marketplaces specialize in robotics. You can visit these sites, search for the parts that you need, and hopefully find them. Be sure to also check online forums that are dedicated to robotics, as you may be able to find the parts that you need there.
  • Use online catalogs – Many online catalogs specialize in robotic parts. You can find some of these by doing a general online search, but you may also find them by contacting your manufacturer or going through a marketplace.
  • Ask your peers – If you are a member of a robotics group, you may be able to ask fellow members if they have the parts that you need. You may also be able to get them from someone else in the group that has the same type of machine.

3D printing for robotic parts

If you are missing or broken parts on your machine, you may want to consider 3D printing the part. This can be an ideal option if the part is something simple, such as a mounting bracket, a sensor mount, or a coupler. Using a 3D printer will allow you to design your own custom parts, which can also help you to meet your company’s specific needs. If you need a custom part, why not consider 3D printing it? You may be able to find a company that specializes in 3D printing parts for robotics. Alternatively, you may be able to use one of your existing machines to create the part you need.

Online marketplaces for robotics

Several online marketplaces specialize in robotics. These websites will allow you to search for the particular robotic parts that you need, and then purchase them. Here are some of the most popular websites for robotic parts:
  • ABB – ABB is a leading manufacturer of industrial robots, and they also sell parts for their machines. If you have an ABB robot, you can visit this website to find the parts that you need.
  • Hiwin – If you have a robot made by Hiwin, you can visit their website to find the parts that you need.
  • Omron – Omron is a leading manufacturer of industrial automation products, including robotic machines. If you have an Omron robot, you can visit their website to find the parts that you need.
  • Panasonic – Panasonic is a leading manufacturer of industrial robots, and they also sell parts for their machines. If you have a Panasonic robot, you can visit their website to find the parts that you need.


Robotic technology is quickly becoming more and more widespread. From manufacturing to food and beverage, industries are finding ways to implement robots to increase efficiency and productivity. However, robotic parts and equipment aren’t always easy to find. Thankfully, many companies specialize in supplying robotic parts for machines, and they can help keep your robot running optimally. If you are looking for robotic parts to complete an existing machine or to have on hand as a preventive measure, read on to learn more.
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